Brave words for a startling occasion
Brave words for a startling occasion

brave words for a startling occasion brave words for a startling occasion

Sure, Waters does rip himself off on occasion (shades of Refresh The Demon), but there's more than enough originality in Canada's Hands of Steel to keep jaws dropped to the floor. The man writes his own stuff, he growls and sings with the best of 'em, coming off as a perfect foil to ringmaster Jeff Waters' axe-killing performance which is, as always, top notch.

brave words for a startling occasion

Maybe I'm pushing it in some people's eyes, but the fact is that no matter how much the diehard fans liked the idea of an Alice In Hell reunion for Criteria, you can't deny that Comeau kicks Randy's rampaging butt all over the map. Rampage out, ex-Overkill guitarist Joe Comeau in, and what you get is one of the best Annihilator albums ever made.

Brave words for a startling occasion